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How Aquarius Season Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Posted by Marc Chastain

January 11, 2021

Aquarius season begins on the 20th of January 2021 and ends on the 18th of February 2021. During this period, you will be encouraged to look at aspects of your life objectively and make changes that will better you. Since Aquarius is a very forward-thinking sign, all of these changes will improve your whole year. For each sign, this will be something different but with an underlying theme of progress. Read on to find out what this season has in store for your zodiac sign!

Aries Zodiac Sign


The way you handle your emotions is about to change big time Aries. Aquarius’ level-headed nature cools down your fiery feelings and makes them more manageable. Take this time to learn how to express your emotions without a big explosion occurring.

Taurus Zodiac Sign


Taurus you’re known for your immovable opinions, but this year Aquarius’ transformative nature will make you rethink your core values. Your personal beliefs are bound to change and it’s down to you to change your behavior to reflect this.

Gemini Zodiac Sign


Aquarius season period of knowledge and discovery. Use this time to dig deep into an area of study you have always wanted to know more about. Complex topics and deep understanding will come naturally to you. Feed your curiosity by really exploring your intellectual interests and you will feel incredibly enriched.

Cancer Zodiac Sign


This Aquarius season pushes you to keep moving forward. This can only be done if your in an environment that helps you to grow. It might be tough for you Cancer, but it’s time to let go of people who are holding you back from reaching your goals.

Leo Zodiac Sign


Aquarius seasons is a freeing time and is especially good for creative self-exploration. If you are feeling like you have outdated yourself, get a new look! Experiment with your hair, makeup, or clothes to find an image that reflects the person you are now.

Virgo Zodiac Sign


For you Virgo, the Aquarius season encourages a big shift in your surroundings. If you’ve been tempted to move somewhere fresh or get on a different path, then now is the time to start preparing. Stretch out of your comfort zone and welcome something new into your life.

Libra Zodiac Sign


Aquarius season encourages you to embrace the uniqueness of your character and let go of fears of external opinions. Being your true and genuine self will make you feel more at ease than trying to fit into an unrealistic ideal.

Zodiac Sign Scorpio


This Aquarius season is an introspective period for you Scorpio. Look inwards and embark on a journey to become the ideal version of yourself. There is so much room for you to grow, so don’t be afraid to take up space and become someone even better.

Saggitarius Zodiac SIgn


This season it’s time to put down some roots and get the foundations in place for your dream career Sagittarius. While spontaneity is fun, the Aquarius season encourages you to make some plans that will secure your future. Don’t try to take shortcuts, just trust the process.

Capricorn Zodiac Sign


This Aquarius season pulls you away from work and shines a bright light on your romance sector. You’ll be feeling fired up and ready to mingle, so make sure to take advantage of that and go on some fun dates.

Zodiac Sign Aquarius


The spotlight is on you Aquarius! It’s time to focus on yourself and really celebrate how far you’ve come. Allow yourself to indulge in little treats and accept your growth. Your path is uniquely yours, so don’t compare it to others.

Zodiac Sign Pisces


For you Pisces, Aquarius season pushes you to rebel against the status quo. Being trapped in the past will hold you back no matter how hard you try to swim forwards. So if something feels outdated, don’t be afraid to tear it down and build it back up with modern thinking.

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