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Third Eye Chakra: Insight

Third Eye Chakra: Insight

The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra in the human body’s chakra system and needless to say, it is among the mysterious ones. It is called Ajna in Sanskrit and is associated with the act of “seeing”. This is not the normal seeing through your eyes...
Solar Plexus Chakra: Self Esteem

Solar Plexus Chakra: Self Esteem

The solar plexus chakra is the third one in the chakra system and is also called the Naval chakra. In Sanskrit, it is called the Manipura. It is said that it is one of the most significant chakras for the human experience. This is because it is directly associated...
Root Chakra: Life Force

Root Chakra: Life Force

The root chakra is the first chakra in the human body’s chakra system. It is called Muladhara in Sanskrit and is associated with the basic functions of life. As such, it has a physical aspect to it. The root chakra is located at the base of your spine. To be...
Sacral Chakra: Creation

Sacral Chakra: Creation

The sacral chakra is the second chakra in the human body. It is called Swadhisthana in Sanskrit and is often referred to as the passion and pleasure center of the body. In fact, the “swad” in Swadhisthana means “to taste with pleasure.” In...
Heart Chakra: Inner Nurture

Heart Chakra: Inner Nurture

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra in the human body’s chakra system. It is called Anahata in Sanskrit and is associated with love and compassion. As such, it has a non-physical aspect to it. In fact, from the heart chakra to the crown chakra, we transition...

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